Wednesday, March 19, 2008
It must be an election year........Chabot to hold "Town Hall"
Congressman Steve Chabot will be at the Grove Banquet Hall, 9158 Winton Road, from 7-8 p.m. Tuesday, March 25.
Chabot will give a local congressional update, touch on issues such as the economy and job market, give updates on the happenings in Washington, and have a question-and-answer session following his talk.
Light refreshments will be available.
Call 522-1154 for more information.
It seems we are now entering "Town Hall" season in the campaign. Since 2003, the year of Mr. Chabot's first "Town Hall" meeting, the number of these things has increased every election year. Although they are typically nothing more than staged stump speeches with planted questions, it seems Mr. Chabot may have learned a small lesson in the way his campaign advertises the actual events. During the 2006 season, fliers were sent out advertising the them, but only to Republican households in the district. By abusing his Congressional postage privileges, Chabot was able to use taxpayer money and avoid paying for postage, saving thousands of dollars in the process.
This time around, a small article in the local Community Press in Forest Park announced the campaign event. No fliers, no radio announcement, no robo-call.
If the Congressman is serious about listening to what his constituents have to say, then why not send fliers to every household and invite everyone.......not just Republicans?
You can be sure that we will have full coverage of this spectacle. Who knows, maybe we will get to ask him a question!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Newt Gingrich, shown here working closely with Tom DeLay, will be in town on Wednesday for a Chabot fundraiser downtown. For $1000.00 a ticket, you can rub elbows with the former Speaker of the House and hear him speak on a number of issues. However, we doubt he will want to discuss any of his dealings with Mr. DeLay........or talk about his first wife, or his second wife, or his third wife........who happens to be one of his former staffers with whom he had an affair.

It seems pretty risky for Mr. Chabot to bring in someone with such a speckled past to help him raise money, given the hot water his own office has been in during recent weeks. Gingrich not only has serious moral issues, but ethical ones as well. On top of his notorious infedelity during his three marraiges , he has been involved his several high level scandals including the House bank scandal where he personally wrote 22 bad checks, not to mention his close relationship with Tom DeLay as shown in the photo above.