"There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be solved by what is right with America"

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Chabot..........waiting for someone to tell him what to do

Steve Chabot, true to form, said in this morning's Enquirer that he will not be supporting anyone in the Republican presidential race until the party decides on a clear candidate. It seems as though he is once again waiting for someone to tell him how to think.

Just as Big Oil Companies who have donated to his campaigns have told him which energy policies to support.............. just as Big Bank Lenders have funneled money into his campaigns to guarantee his support of bills that slash student loans and make it more difficult to pay for college.........just as he has waited for President Bush to tell him how to vote 92% of the time over the last seven years...............we will have to wait this one out until he knows it is what the Republican Party wants him to do.

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