"There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be solved by what is right with America"

Sunday, February 17, 2008

President's Day Question...........

What should be the biggest priority for Steve Driehaus if he expects to defeat Chabot in November?

All Opinions Welcome................


Anonymous said...

Just found this blog, sweet! Did you do an introduction; or have I missed it? I've subscribed to your feed, I guess this is the first blog covering the 1st district this election. Good Luck!!

Harry and Jack said...

You can look through the archives back to the end of January when we started, thanks for the feedback!!

Nathan Wissman said...

I believe that the first issue that Steve Driehaus should address upon taking office should be renewable energy. New technology and government investment into renewable fuel technology has the potential to create tons of jobs both nationwide, and here in southwest Ohio. It would end the stranglehold that the middle east has on the US, as well as help us curb greenhouse gas emissions. The jobs that would be created, would be outsource proof jobs in the blue collar and white collar sectors.

Pete Metz said...

Harry and Jack...check out this article...it's got some good information covering both Chabot and Driehaus.


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