"There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be solved by what is right with America"

Friday, March 7, 2008

Chabot slams community, votes "NO" on GIVE act

Yesterday Steve Chabot once again voted lockstep with Congressional Republicans and voted "NO" on H.R. 2857 which would reauthorize the GIVE act (Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education).
Major text and purpose of the bill follows:

`(9) expand and strengthen service-learning programs through year-round opportunities, including during the summer months, to improve the education of children and youth and to maximize the benefits of national and community service, in order to renew the ethic of civic responsibility and the spirit of community to children and youth throughout the United States;
`(10) assist in coordinating and strengthening Federal and other citizen service opportunities, including opportunities for participation in emergency and disaster preparedness, relief, and recovery;
`(11) increase service opportunities for our Nation's retiring professionals, including such opportunities for those retiring from the science, technical, engineering, and mathematics professions to improve the education of our Nation's youth and keep America competitive in the global knowledge economy, and to further utilize the experience, knowledge, and skills of older Americans;

The bill would extend school-based incentive programs introduced in 1990 including "Learn and Earn" which grants higher-learning scholarships to students in grades 6-12 who participate in at least 100 hours of community-based service education during those years.

You can read the full text of the bill here:http://www.rules.house.gov/110/text/110_hr2857.pdf

Mr. Chabot has a long record of voting against such programs, including the State Children's Health Insurance Program. It will be interesting to see what effect his record will have in his race against Mr. Driehaus, who has long supported Ohio's children and communities.

1 comment:


It is very disappointing to Heaven's Miraculous Angelic Giving Inspirational Child, Inc., that our government spends 42 million dollars on letters about a tax refund, billions in Iraq, and yet the G.I.V.E. Act struggles for acceptance.

Heaven's Miraculous Angelic Giving Inspirational Child, Inc. would thrive in a country that embraces the G.I.V.E. Act.

Service-Learning has immeasurable value!!

Check out "The U.T.O.P.I.A. Project" and discover the power of Service-Learning for yourself.

Pay close attention to the U.T.O.P.I.A. System and please listen to the beginning message.


If they don't pass the G.I.V.E. Act, "We the People" will have to GIVE more of our tax money for prisons, GIVE more of our tax money for drug and alcohol abuse, GIVE more of our tax money for teenage pregnancy, and GIVE more of our tax money for welfare.

The G.I.V.E. Act and a proactive approach seems so much more logical, supportive, and responsible.

A vote for Service-Learning and support for Service-Learning will enrich this country, its youth, and its educators. It will also keep more money in your wallet in the long run.

When you realize how valuable Service-Learning is, please call your representatives and persuade them to pass the G.I.V.E. Act.

God Bless all who support the G.I.V.E. Act!

Laura Ann Osterman
Founder and President
Heaven's Miraculous Angelic Giving Inspirational Child, Inc.


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