"There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be solved by what is right with America"

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Denise Driehaus Campaign Kickoff

The Denise Driehaus for State Representative Campaign will officially kickoff this weekend with an event in West Price Hill. You can link to her campaign website here: http://www.aryehalex.com/Denise_Driehaus/Denise_Driehaus.html.

She will face Scott Gehring who ran against Steve Driehaus last cycle but was defeated handily, garnering only 33% of the vote. Gehring is no stranger to local political controversy having been fired by Councilwoman Leslie Ghiz in the middle of his campaign in '06 when she caught him campaigning at City Hall on her dime. He then went to work on the losing campaign of Melanie Bates, and was forced to resign as President of the Blue Chip Young Republicans because of it. He hasn't had much going for him since. We would provide a link to the Gehring site but it, like the Chabot site, is still under construction.

We will keep you updated on this race as well as it unfolds............


Anonymous said...

It all makes sense now: Harry and Jack = Aryeh Alex...

Anonymous said...

It all makes sense now: Anonymous=Steve Chabot

Anonymous said...

No new posts since Thursday? Either Aryeh finally burnt the Cranley playbook or he's in Columbus this weekend for the Ohio Young Democrats Convention. We're missing you buddy, is small hands Driehaus missing you too?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous #1 AKA Steve Chabot:
You clearly have WAY too much time on your hands.....better get busy or Driehaus is going to knock that combover back in place!

Anonymous said...

Ah Aryeh, welcome back to Cincy! Do you seriously think I'm Chabot? Come on! Your a Dreihaus, soon to be defeated, staffer and I'm obviously not Chabot... but it's laughable!!

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