Just a friendly reminder that Earth Day is this Tuesday, April 22. We urge you to take five minutes out of your day and do something nice for the planet. It doesn't mean that you have to take the day off of work and pick up trash along I-75 all day (although it sure could use it)..........just maybe pick up trash along your street, change a few light bulbs to CFL's, open some windows instead of turning on the A/C, you get the point. Nature.org has some great ideas for you here:http://www.nature.org/earthday/?kw=google&gclid=CPq-t5306ZICFQijPAodcVOpdg
Although we would like to think that both candidates in this Congressional race will be participating in some form, given Steve Chabot's rating of 15% by the League of Conservation Voters (one of the worst in Congress), you would be more likely to see him throwing trash out of the window of his '93 Buick than helping out. Link to his entire environmental record here:http://www.govote.com/OH/Steve_Chabot_Environment.htm.
Happy Earth Day.
It's not all bad, as you'd like to paint the picture, lets see small hands Driehaus layout his environmental record!
In June 2007, Chabot sponsored an amendment to block federally-funded road building in Tongass National Forest. Proponents of the amendment said that the federal timber program in Tongass is a dead loss for taxpayers, costing some $30 million annually, and noted that the Forest Service faces an estimated $900 million road maintenance backlog in the forest. Supporters of the bipartisan amendment included the Republicans for Environmental Protection. Of the bill, Representative Chabot said "I am not opposed to logging when it's done on the timber company's dime...But in this case, they are using the American taxpayer to subsidize these 200 jobs at the tune of $200,000 per job. That just makes no sense". (From Wikipedia)
hey.. we're doing a school research project on the Ohio-01 congressional race and supporting Driehaus' bid to unseat Chabot. As district insiders..how much do you know about the district? For instance, what are the key issues that matter this year.
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