"There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be solved by what is right with America"

Monday, April 14, 2008

Driehaus Kicks Off Campaign With a Bang

The Front Porch Coffeehouse in West Price Hill was packed with supporters for the Denise Driehaus Campaign kickoff on Sunday night. Plenty of snacks and hors d'oeuvres were available as the candidate mingled and answered questions throughout the night.
Her brother, Steve introduced the candidate to the crowd and quickly stepped aside to give her the spotlight. During her speech she highlighted the four main issues of her campaign as Economic Development, Education, Housing and Recreation. She noted that the bar had been set high by her brother but she intended to keep the seat "blue" and work hard for Ohio for many years to come. Also, while talking about the current housing crisis, she gave a nod to Steve noting that "some had the foresight to see the foreclosure problem on the horizon seven years ago".
Judging by the amount of people who turned out for this event, it seems likely that this seat will indeed stay in the family.............
Stay tuned for updates from the Gehring campaign when and where it kicks off......though we are guessing it will not be held at Leslie Ghiz's office, or during a Blue Chip meeting.


Anonymous said...


I assume Driehaus promised you with his sister when he loses? Talk about a no-risk proposition for you...

Anonymous said...

I am a reader of this blog from time to time and I notice that the same slithery "anonymous" paranoid, no-wit leaves the most senseless comments (you know who you are)? Why are you so obsessive over the "Aryeh" person --strange. Hey guy -- if you want to make an impact on the world and your GOP friends' cause, why don't you try to say something worth reading, maybe try to sway someone's veiw, show other readers you are a thinker with a credible arguement and point rather than just typing useless chattering, non-buzz tidbits. Why you remain "anonymous" (but so clearly aching to be involved) continues to be clear at the pace of your comments. Moreover, why even visit the blog if you don't like it's content enough to engage with your name? Your are either bored or bitter if you have come to the conclusion that paranoid complaining is all you have in your "PLAYBOOK." Funny stuff. Funnier stuff: YOU WISH CHABOT would hire you...and if he has, then you have defined hypocrite, haven't you? And no, I am not the one who writes the blog -- I will put that to rest before you go into a paranoid fit addressing me as this "Aryeh" person. Aaahhh...election season, please just don't set my yard sign on fire or something!! Test your core values while you're at it, as I am sure your are quite righteous -- have you had one positive thought today? Have you said or done one truly posisitve thing....hmmm...probably NOT!

Anonymous said...

We're surprised you didn't post that in bold letters! Aryeh, you're goons are getting restless they need your grassroots direction...

Anonymous said...

I am smiling! I was right! Bored and bitter both, how lame to be you.

Anonymous said...

There are so many Anonymous people I'm getting confused!! I do know one thing, Aryeh's blood pressure sure is rising today!!

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