Sunday, April 20, 2008
Earth Day

Monday, April 14, 2008
Driehaus Kicks Off Campaign With a Bang
Her brother, Steve introduced the candidate to the crowd and quickly stepped aside to give her the spotlight. During her speech she highlighted the four main issues of her campaign as Economic Development, Education, Housing and Recreation. She noted that the bar had been set high by her brother but she intended to keep the seat "blue" and work hard for Ohio for many years to come. Also, while talking about the current housing crisis, she gave a nod to Steve noting that "some had the foresight to see the foreclosure problem on the horizon seven years ago".
Judging by the amount of people who turned out for this event, it seems likely that this seat will indeed stay in the family.............
Stay tuned for updates from the Gehring campaign when and where it kicks off......though we are guessing it will not be held at Leslie Ghiz's office, or during a Blue Chip meeting.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Denise Driehaus Campaign Kickoff
She will face Scott Gehring who ran against Steve Driehaus last cycle but was defeated handily, garnering only 33% of the vote. Gehring is no stranger to local political controversy having been fired by Councilwoman Leslie Ghiz in the middle of his campaign in '06 when she caught him campaigning at City Hall on her dime. He then went to work on the losing campaign of Melanie Bates, and was forced to resign as President of the Blue Chip Young Republicans because of it. He hasn't had much going for him since. We would provide a link to the Gehring site but it, like the Chabot site, is still under construction.
We will keep you updated on this race as well as it unfolds............
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Chabot Among "Rubber Stamp Elite"

Monday, April 7, 2008
Chabot Still Plagued by Scandal

Thursday, April 3, 2008
Chabot schedules more "TownHall" events
The first charade is scheduled for April 7 from 7-8pm at Harrison High School and the next is set for April 21 from 7-8pm at the Delhi Senior Center.
As we mentioned in an earlier post, it is extremely difficult to get an opportunity to ask Mr. Chabot a question during one of these events. He generally speaks for around 40-45 minutes, leaving 15-20 minutes for questions which are mostly asked by planted campaign staffers. However, in the slight chance (and we mean SLIGHT) that someone reading this may get called upon, we have come up with a list of questions that we feel like Mr. Chabot needs to answer.
1) What exactly does a Tribe of Indians from Mississippi have to do with the First Congressional District of Ohio, and why would they be giving you campaign money if not to buy your vote?
2) Why have you refused to keep your campaign promise from 1994 to limit yourself to six terms if elected?
3) How do you explain the $1.6 million dollars worth of pork you inserted into a 2007 appropriations bill to help companies ran by many of your large donors when you campaign against such earmarks and criticize others for doing far less?
4) Why the combover?
5) You have taken thousands of dollars over your career from anti-environment activist Bob Murray (profile:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_E._Murray), a mine owner who has been front and center during the mine tragedies of recent years. Is his constant flow of campaign cash the reason for your recent stance against mine safety regulations?
6) Why is it more important for you to give huge tax breaks and incentives to Big Oil companies like Exxon Mobil than to help provide health insurance for Ohio children?
7) Why doesn't everyone in the district receive an invitation to attend your "TownHall" meetings?
........................you get the point. There are alot of questions that have gone unanswered or have simply been ignored up to this point. If there is a question YOU have for either candidate, please let us know and we will try and get an answer for you!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Driehaus and Supporters to celebrate Cincinnati Tradition

Thursday, March 27, 2008
Questions Linger about Chabot's Pork Projects
Eleven men and women who were identified as hosts or co-hosts on an invitation to a March Chabot fundraiser featuring House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) serve in leadership roles with the organizations in Chabot’s district that would receive federal money. It is not clear what relationship, if any, exists between the campaign donations and the federal money lined up for the pet causes of the donors. Indeed, it can be difficult for the public to understand why federal dollars are apportioned the way they are. “The suspicion has been that the way money works in politics is that those who give get, and this example appears to confirm that,” said Ellen S. Miller, executive director of the Sunlight Foundation.
Link to the entire story here:http://coburn.senate.gov/ffm/index.cfm?FuseAction=LatestNews.NewsStories&ContentRecord_id=1f36d469-802a-23ad-4ac6-5bdd0bdd1413&Issue_id=&IsTextOnly=False
Chabot's change of heart seems to go hand in hand with his major policy flip-flops in recent years. When running for his first term in 1994, Chabot campaigned speaking out against huge tax breaks for major corporations or what he billed "Corporate Welfare". However, the Cheney Energy Bill of 2005 contained over $23 Billion in tax breaks and incentives for Major Oil companies already raking in record profits. Mr. Chabot gave his full support to the piece of legislation. Again in 2006, he lobbied hard against an increase in the Federal Minumum Wage saying it would destroy the economy, even though it had not been raised in over 9 years. However, when a provision was inserted into the bill which would essentially give many of his wealthy donors another tax break, he changed his mind and said now that an increase would be GOOD for the economy.
Mr. Chabot still has alot of questions to answer about these donors who seem to be able to write their own blank checks on behalf of Congressman Chabot and the taxpayers.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Chabot continues Campaign against Environment
To provide for the conservation and development of water and related resources, to authorize the Secretary of the Army to construct various projects for improvements to rivers and harbors of the United States, and for other purposes.

Driehaus Open House
There is alot of momentum with the Driehaus camp right now mainly due to the strong amount of support and respect Mr. Driehaus has earned from community residents during his tenure in the statehouse. The candidate mingled among the crowds and welcomed supporters who were "fired up" at the prospect of taking on Chabot in November.
While the Driehaus campaign is up and running strong at this point, the Chabotians seem to be still scrambling to recover from recent scandal and corruption allegations. Mr. Chabot was recently once again caught using his office and Congressional privileges for campaign purposes. A practice that is not only unethical and against Congressional rules, but also something Mr. Chabot has been involved with in the past.
It looks like all of these problems are keeping them from getting the Chabot website up and running. Link here:http://www.stevechabot.com/ or also at the bottom of this page.
We will keep you posted on any updates and changes.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
It must be an election year........Chabot to hold "Town Hall"
Congressman Steve Chabot will be at the Grove Banquet Hall, 9158 Winton Road, from 7-8 p.m. Tuesday, March 25.
Chabot will give a local congressional update, touch on issues such as the economy and job market, give updates on the happenings in Washington, and have a question-and-answer session following his talk.
Light refreshments will be available.
Call 522-1154 for more information.
It seems we are now entering "Town Hall" season in the campaign. Since 2003, the year of Mr. Chabot's first "Town Hall" meeting, the number of these things has increased every election year. Although they are typically nothing more than staged stump speeches with planted questions, it seems Mr. Chabot may have learned a small lesson in the way his campaign advertises the actual events. During the 2006 season, fliers were sent out advertising the them, but only to Republican households in the district. By abusing his Congressional postage privileges, Chabot was able to use taxpayer money and avoid paying for postage, saving thousands of dollars in the process.
This time around, a small article in the local Community Press in Forest Park announced the campaign event. No fliers, no radio announcement, no robo-call.
If the Congressman is serious about listening to what his constituents have to say, then why not send fliers to every household and invite everyone.......not just Republicans?
You can be sure that we will have full coverage of this spectacle. Who knows, maybe we will get to ask him a question!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Newt Gingrich, shown here working closely with Tom DeLay, will be in town on Wednesday for a Chabot fundraiser downtown. For $1000.00 a ticket, you can rub elbows with the former Speaker of the House and hear him speak on a number of issues. However, we doubt he will want to discuss any of his dealings with Mr. DeLay........or talk about his first wife, or his second wife, or his third wife........who happens to be one of his former staffers with whom he had an affair.

It seems pretty risky for Mr. Chabot to bring in someone with such a speckled past to help him raise money, given the hot water his own office has been in during recent weeks. Gingrich not only has serious moral issues, but ethical ones as well. On top of his notorious infedelity during his three marraiges , he has been involved his several high level scandals including the House bank scandal where he personally wrote 22 bad checks, not to mention his close relationship with Tom DeLay as shown in the photo above.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Tap Project
That is the Mission Statement of TAP PROJECT, an organization which pairs with UNICEF to bring clean drinking water to children around the world who would otherwise go without.
Beginning Sunday, March 16 through Saturday, March 22, restaurants will invite their customers to donate a minimum of $1 for the tap water they would normally get for free. For every dollar raised, a child will have clean drinking water for 40 days. There are several local restaurants on the list, go here to check them out:http://www.tapproject.org/cities/cincinnati
We think it is a worthy cause and hope you will too.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Chabot Caught Lying about Term Limits
Link to our previous story here:http://ohiofirstpolitics.blogspot.com/2008/02/steve-chabots-contract-with-who.html
During an online chat with The Enquirer in October of 2006, Chabot was asked about his refusal to keep his word on that promise. Here is the actual transcript from that exchange:
SHARKY (12:19:03 PM)
Congressmen Chabot, Why have you changed your mind about term limits? You originally supported term limits and now your running for another term in congress.
Steve Chabot (12:19:43 PM)
Actually, I have not changed my mind about term limits. I never promised to self-term limit.
The exchange was left at that and never brought up again.
Link to the entire transcript here:http://news.enquirer.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20061030/NEWS01/310300017
Given the recent scandal out of Steve Chabot's office paired with a pattern of corruption that leads back to campaign contributions from Mississippi Indian Tribes looking to buy Casino votes, we feel this is an issue of character that must be raised this election cycle.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Chabot breaks House rules.........again.
It is a violation of house rules to use taxpayer and House resources for campaign purposes.
From "The Hill":
“If you have interns sitting around today, please send them over to the RNC...to phone bank for Oberweis,” the e-mail states.
Matthew Lillibridge, a staff assistant in Chabot’s office, forwarded the e-mail to aides in other congressional offices, apparently violating House rules against using House resources for campaign purposes. Lillibridge used his House e-mail address, forwarding the e-mail to other addresses on the House e-mail server.
“It raises questions as to what other activities are taking place in Congressman Steve Chabot’s office on the taxpayer’s dime,” Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) spokesman Doug Thornell told The Hill.
Link to the entire story here:http://thehill.com/leading-the-news/chabots-office-apologizes-for-apparently-breaking-house-rules-in-campaign-e-mail-2008-03-08.html
This is not Mr. Chabot's first episode exploiting taxpayer resources for campaign purposes. He came under fire last election cycle for the illegal practice of "franking". Members of Congress do not have to pay postage on mail sent to constituents when it is not campaign related. Mr. Chabot used this privilege to send campaign flyers to Republican households throughout his district, allowing him to use taxpayer money and save campaign cash.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Chabot slams community, votes "NO" on GIVE act

`(9) expand and strengthen service-learning programs through year-round opportunities, including during the summer months, to improve the education of children and youth and to maximize the benefits of national and community service, in order to renew the ethic of civic responsibility and the spirit of community to children and youth throughout the United States;
`(10) assist in coordinating and strengthening Federal and other citizen service opportunities, including opportunities for participation in emergency and disaster preparedness, relief, and recovery;
`(11) increase service opportunities for our Nation's retiring professionals, including such opportunities for those retiring from the science, technical, engineering, and mathematics professions to improve the education of our Nation's youth and keep America competitive in the global knowledge economy, and to further utilize the experience, knowledge, and skills of older Americans;
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
More questions on Steve Chabot and Indian tribes...

Sunday, March 2, 2008
Does this make Bush a communist?
Friday, February 29, 2008
Are Catholics still mad at Chabot??
Rep. Steve Chabot is under attack from members of his own religion – Catholics.
Chabot, a Republican from Westwood, is among 10 Catholic members of Congress who are being targeted in a radio ad sponsored by Catholics United for voting against legislation to expand the State Children's Health Insurance Program, known as SCHIP.
It will air primarily on Christian and talk radio stations from Monday to Wednesday, and feature a mother urging Chabot to support SCHIP, saying that voting against health care for poor children is not a "pro-life" or "pro-family" vote.
“Building a true culture of life requires public policies that promote the welfare of the most vulnerable,” said Chris Korzen, executive director of the group, said in a release. “Pro-life Christians who serve in Congress should honor this commitment by supporting health care for poor children.”
The odd thing is that Chabot voted early in his tenure, 1997 to be exact, in favor of creating SCHIP which helps provide health care for thousands of Ohio children who would otherwise go without. The question here is why the change of heart?
If you look back through Mr. Chabot's past voting record versus votes cast is recent years, you start to see a pattern. In 1994, he first ran for congress on the platform of ending tax breaks for Big Oil and Corporations which he infamously dubbed "Corporate Welfare". However, after receiving thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from Oil companies, he supported vigorously the Cheney energy bill which essentially did just that.......gave millions to Big Oil and corporations through tax breaks and incentives.
Given Mr. Chabot's tendency of flip-flopping on issues on the basis of campaign cash, we don't expect this issue to go away anytime soon and to play a major role in the campaign.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
For all "O'Bama" supporters

This is the new St. Patty's day Obama shirt. Regardless of where your support will go, you have to admit it is pretty clever. For those interested you can link here:http://store.barackobama.com/Shirts_s/100.htm
They are pretty backed up though, so it may take a few weeks after you order.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
with all the talk of Patriotism.......

This has nothing to do with the First Congressional District but it is damn funny. Intoxination posted this today along with a story you can check out here http://www.intoxination.net/
Children's Health Care

Friday, February 22, 2008
It's Decision Time..........
In the November 2006 General Election, Steve Chabot received 53% of the vote to regain his seat. In the race for State Representative, Steve Driehaus received 67% of the vote to regain his seat. What that means is that out of all the voters who had both Chabot and Driehaus on their ballot, at least 14% of them cast their ballots for BOTH candidates.
Both campaigns are sure to be targeting those voters in the upcoming months.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
President's Day Question...........
All Opinions Welcome................
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Candidate Web Sites

Sunday, February 10, 2008
Poll Results
Barack Obama 71.4% (15 votes)
Hillary Clinton 19.0% (4 votes)
John McCain 9.0% (2 votes)
No other candidate listed received any votes. I guess we can see which direction most of our readers are leaning!
On another note, it is a safe bet to say that one of the votes cast for McCain was not Steve Chabot.........not yet anyway.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Chabot..........waiting for someone to tell him what to do
Just as Big Oil Companies who have donated to his campaigns have told him which energy policies to support.............. just as Big Bank Lenders have funneled money into his campaigns to guarantee his support of bills that slash student loans and make it more difficult to pay for college.........just as he has waited for President Bush to tell him how to vote 92% of the time over the last seven years...............we will have to wait this one out until he knows it is what the Republican Party wants him to do.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Great Response!!!! Help spread the word!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, February 4, 2008
Steve Chabot's Contract with Who??

However, tucked away in one of the final paragraphs was a small section outlining the promise of term limits for elected officials. What Steve Chabot promised the day he signed his name to that "Contract" was that if elected he would limit himself to six terms (or twelve years) and then step aside. To quote the contract, this would effectively rid Washington of "career" politicians much like Mr. Chabot himself. If he would have kept his word, the six term tenure would have ended in 2006.
Steve Chabot is once again giving his constituents the middle finger and running for his EIGHTH consecutive term. Read the text of the contract below...........
Citizen Legislature Act
This resolution provides for consideration of two joint
resolutions which propose amendments to the constitution limiting
the number of terms members of the Senate and the House of
Representatives can serve. The first joint resolution
(identical to H.J.Res. 38 as introduced in the 103rd Congress)
limits the number of Senate terms to two and the number of House
terms to six. The second joint resolution (identical to H.J.Res.
160 as introduced in the 103rd Congress) also limits Senators to
two terms, but it limits members of the House to three terms.
Under the terms of this resolution, the joint resolution with the
text of H.J.Res. 38 will be debated first and the first amendment
in order will be a substitute consisting of H.J.Res. 160.
The idea of limiting the tenure of elected officials has recurred
through our history, but it has become more popular in the last
few years. In 1992, 14 states passed initiatives limiting the
tenure of federal legislators. Two of these laws, however, have
been challenged and found unconstitutional in court. The U.S.
Supreme Court will review the ruling by the Arkansas Supreme
Court. Since there is a chance the high court will uphold the
state court's ruling, a constitutional amendment may be necessary
to limit congressional tenure.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Friday, February 1, 2008
Thursday, January 31, 2008
FEC reports are IN!!
-Chabot has listed contributions from Ken Marchant of Carrollton, TX. For those not familiar with Mr. Marchant, he is a close ally of Tom Delay and was a member of his infamous "redistricting" class of 2003. An illegal operation which, in essence handed the Texas house back to Republicans and guaranteed a Majority the next term as well. An excerpt from Morning The Dallas Morning News follows:
"Among the Republican pickups were five freshmen from Texas: Louie Gohmert, a former state appeals court judge from Tyler; Ted Poe, a state district judge from Houston; Ken Marchant, a state legislator from Coppell; Mike Conaway, a Midland accountant and former energy business partner of George W. Bush; and Mike McCaul of Austin, a former federal prosecutor and deputy Texas attorney general."-Dallas Morning News
-Another interesting note, Mr. Chabot recieved contributions from a DC lobbyist named William Hanka who works for Ferguson Group Lobbyist, LLC. A Lobbying firm whose client list includes the City of Cincinnati. We thought it interesting that in order to get Mr. Chabot's attention, Cincinnati had to hire a Washington Lobbying Firm!!
Anyway..............read the reports for yourself, the link is here:
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
with some of their biggest supporters............
So as the weeks wear on and the primaries come and go, stay tuned here for all the latest news from the campaigns.